Company type |
Number of companies |
Government structure |
537 |
Financial organization |
707 |
Analytical Bureau |
1303 |
Supplier of finished products |
5685 |
Industrial site (management company) |
1447 |
Design/Engineering |
4019 |
Design works and expertise |
4019 |
Design and engineering |
334 |
Engineering surveys (geodesy, geology, ecology) |
494 |
Design work |
452 |
Construction design |
1037 |
Technological design |
702 |
Audit of project documentation |
311 |
Other |
142 |
Construction and installation works |
15165 |
Rent and maintenance of equipment and special vehicles |
334 |
Equipment rental |
121 |
Machinery rental |
213 |
Lifting and storage equipment |
732 |
Lifting mechanisms (civil) |
106 |
Lifting mechanisms (industrial) |
135 |
Tower, gantry, beam and bridge cranes |
91 |
Loaders |
92 |
Hand tools, fixtures |
42 |
Rackings |
39 |
Other |
96 |
Road construction and betterment |
1304 |
Road construction work |
354 |
Outdoor lighting |
206 |
Perimeter fencing |
184 |
Greening |
115 |
Other |
115 |
Engineering equipment |
3000 |
Ventilation, Air-Conditioning |
413 |
Water supply |
350 |
Gas supply |
133 |
Sewerage |
242 |
Heat supply |
280 |
Cold supply |
215 |
Electric supply |
632 |
Pump installation |
214 |
Metering devices and systems |
170 |
Other |
135 |
Engineering networks (external) |
1720 |
Water supply |
358 |
Gas supply |
193 |
Sewerage |
239 |
Heat supply |
269 |
Electric supply |
500 |
Other |
500 |
Engineering networks (internal) |
2061 |
Automation and dispatching |
272 |
Video surveillance |
234 |
Air supply |
170 |
Burglar and fire alarm |
224 |
Steam supply |
69 |
Software |
109 |
Service maintenance |
129 |
Control system and access control |
208 |
Fire extinguishing systems and fire-fighting equipment |
236 |
Telecommunication networks |
175 |
Cold supply |
132 |
Other |
132 |
General construction works |
3944 |
Piling work |
43 |
Turnkey (civil works and internal engineering networks) |
590 |
Turnkey (civil works) |
754 |
Concrete and stone works |
321 |
Earthwork |
337 |
Roofing work |
406 |
Steel erection |
592 |
Finishing works |
488 |
Industrial windows, doors, gates |
180 |
Industrial floor |
233 |
Special construction works |
1547 |
Construction of special facilities |
196 |
Waterproofing |
216 |
Installation of a technological pipeline |
53 |
Sanitation |
222 |
Rigging works |
31 |
Thermal insulation |
144 |
Electrical |
352 |
Other |
352 |
Transport and special machinery |
523 |
Truck transport |
96 |
Earth-moving, road-building machines |
97 |
Municipal and cleaning equipment |
30 |
Specialized machines |
117 |
Cargo trailers |
26 |
Other |
64 |
Supplier of equipment |
4836 |
Technological equipment |
4836 |
Woodworking industry |
82 |
Extractive industry |
183 |
Animal husbandry |
64 |
Light industry |
83 |
Metal-working |
340 |
Metallurgical |
186 |
Pump installation |
285 |
Strapping, Shut-off and control valves |
238 |
Steam supply |
64 |
Polymer processing |
62 |
Food industry |
167 |
Printing, industrial printing |
25 |
Plant growing |
61 |
Construction equipment |
383 |
Construction industry |
178 |
Pharmaceutical industry |
104 |
Chemical industry |
171 |
Pulp and paper industry |
63 |
Energy |
568 |
Automation |
352 |
Weighting, dosage |
47 |
Air supply |
142 |
Gas cleaning, aspiration |
82 |
Grinding |
57 |
Cooling, Freezing |
92 |
Mixing |
37 |
Drying, Heat Treatment |
48 |
Mechanical transportation |
52 |
Pneumatic transportation |
29 |
Packaging |
56 |
Storage |
87 |
Other |
87 |
Supplier of building materials |
8403 |
Building materials, products, constructions |
8403 |
Concretes, solutions |
398 |
Binding agents and finishing materials |
283 |
Waterproofing materials |
411 |
Wooden materials and products |
339 |
Concrete goods |
341 |
Inert materials |
269 |
Cable and conductor products |
336 |
Ceramic products |
229 |
Coating materials |
349 |
Small-pieces stone materials |
112 |
Metal products and constructions |
1115 |
Window units, Doors, Gates |
251 |
Lighting |
278 |
Heating devices |
159 |
Polymeric materials and products |
395 |
Internal plumbing |
228 |
Glass products, constructions |
104 |
Insulation materials |
461 |
Pipelines, fittings |
433 |
Electrical fixtures |
267 |
Block-containers |
67 |
Roofing materials |
391 |
Fences |
216 |
Industrial floor |
228 |
Other |
280 |
Logistic company |
613 |
Logistics and delivery |
613 |
Cargo transportation |
388 |
Transportation of goods (special transport) |
225 |