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ID ...... Construction of a multi-apartment residential complex

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    New construction project
  • Brief description

    The developer company plans to build a multi-apartment residential building in the city of Krasnodar. Area: 30800 sq.m. Housing class: comfort. Infrastructure: playgrounds, playgrounds for adults and sports are located at a distance of 12.50-18.50 meters from the windows of residential buildings, which corresponds to the norms under which playgrounds should be located at a distance of at least 12 meters, and playgrounds and playgrounds for adults at a distance of at least 10 meters to the windows of residential buildings. Playgrounds for children of preschool and primary school age 2043 m2, for recreation of the adult population 292 m2, for physical culture classes 5442 m2, for economic purposes 207 m2. Bench type II, C - 3A - 22 pcs. Urn type III - 22 pcs. Ball field - 2 pcs. Table tennis table - 19 pcs. Carousel type I - 8 pcs. Carousel type II - 16 pcs. Slide-slope - 24 pcs. Typical device 2M "Barbell for lying down" -
  • Full description

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  • Interview results

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  • Investments

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  • Холдинг инвестора

Отраслевые параметры проекта

  • Тип объекта

    ······················ ················ ····-···· ············
  • Project area

    ···· ······ m2
  • Площадь земельного участка

    ·· ha
  • Класс жилья

  • Тип отделки

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  • 1-комнатные квартиры

    ······ квартир
  • 2-х комнатные квартиры

    ······ квартир
  • 3-х комнатные квартиры

    ···· квартир
  • Материал внешних стен

  • Материал внутренних стен

  • Количество этажей

    ···· этажей

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Контактные лица проекта

General contractor

Information portal of investment projects being developed in Russia <http://investprojects.info/projects/newmy?project_id=48116>
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