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ID ...... Expansion of greenhouse facilities

  • Added on

  • Последнее обновление

  • Тип работ

    New construction project
  • Brief description

    An investment company is going to expand greenhouse facilities in the Far Eastern Federal Region.
  • Full description

    ············ ·············· ······ ·············· ······ ······ ············ ······ ·········· ············ ·············· ············ ······ ······ ············ ············ ···· ······ ················ ················ ········ ············ ···· ············ ········ ·············· ········ ············ ·············· ·············· ·············· ················ ················ ······ ················ ·············· ········ ············ ·········· ·············· ······ ············ ·············· ·········· ······ ···· ···· ······ ············ ·········· ················ ·············· ········ ········
  • Interview results

    ···· ·················· ···· ····.····.········ ·········· ·················· ······ ············ ···· ············ ·························· ······················ ·· ·················· ············ ················ ················ ···· ························

    ···· ·················· ···· ····.····.········ ·········· ·················· ······ ················ ···························· ······················ ·················· ···· ·········· ·········· ················ ························ ·························· ············ ··············

    ···· ·················· ···· ····.····.········ ·········· ·················· ······ ·························· ····················

  • Investments

    ···· ················

Отраслевые параметры проекта

  • Тип объекта

    ···················· ················
  • Площадь земельного участка

    ·· ha
  • Production capacity

    ·········· ·············· ············ ················ ················ ·········· ·············· ········
  • Products

    ······ ······ ···· ·········· ······ ················ ·············· ················ ·········· ··········

Material consumption forecast

Стадия проекта


  • Company name

    ············ ·········· ·········· ················ ················
  • Address

    ············ ········ ········ ·········· ·············· ········
Контактные лица проекта

General designer

General contractor

Other project participant n.e.c.

  • Company name

    ·············· ················ ···· ···· ·············· ············ ····
  • Холдинг

  • Company's main business description (according to Russian National Classifier of Types of Economic Activity)

    ·········· ·········· ·············· ·············· ············ ··············
  • Address

    ········ ················ ·········· ·············· ················ ·············· ·············· ······ ········ ········
  • Website

  • E-mail

  • Phone number

    +·· ······ ······ ···· ····
Контактные лица проекта
Список контактных лиц формируется. Связаться с компанией можно по общему номеру телефона и/или по электронной почте.
Information portal of investment projects being developed in Russia <http://investprojects.info/projects/newmy?project_id=36598>
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